Memphis MD provider directories
What is medical trend
Memphis medical trend  Tracking medical trend, (5 largest insurers in Memphis)
Memphis medical cost   Yr 2000/medical cost comparing Memphis
Memphis renewal analysis for 2010 to date
Rx for pharmacy cost in Tennessee
The burden of heart disease and stroke in Tennessee
Memphis health & mortality comparisons
Employees facing new plan designs, significant benefit changes during open enrollment season
Medicare - from top to bottom
Trends in health and aging  a detailed resource from the CDC
AHIP health and medicine surveys   AHIP is American Health Insurance Plans
AHIP survey of financial impact of healthcare by state 
(providing plan information by state (AHIP=American Health Insurance Plans))
Deloitte & Touch employer survey - how companies will cope with rising healthcare cost   
graphed information
AHIP health and medicine newsletters 
AHIP is America's Health Insurance Plans
Kaiser Family Foundation state health facts & comparisons   an excellent resource
Physician profiles
National healthcare expenditures
National survey of employer sponsored health plans

Consumer Directed Healthcare

Kaiser survey on consumer directed healthcare - Nov 2006
Guidance on roll-over from HSAs, HRAs, FSAs

HSA (Health Savings Account)
HSA limits for 2009
IRS clarifies application of HSA rules for married couples
Few workers familiar with health savings accounts
HSA guidance summary
Treasury Department confirms commitment to HSAs
IRS issues additional guidance on HSAs
Most HSAs will not be covered by ERISA

HRA (Health Reimbursement Accounts)
HRA employee communication program

S&T   04.26.2012